He went to his first meet in February 2014 after getting into lifting shortly before that. He had friends that did bodybuilding but after losing weight he still had a stomach, so decided he could lift weights and pursue strength goals. First meet he went to with only chucks and a singlet. He met a couple and the wife ran out and got deadlifting socks, food, and other essentials for him to post up at the meet all day long. After seeing the community and meeting this couple, he was hooked.
Read MoreThe chiropractic profession has changed a lot over the past 100 years, and even more so in the last 10 years. Even though the change is happening, the every day person has no idea what our job really is. I still get today on the first visit, “I don’t believe in Chiropractic, but _______ told me she had good results with ________ and I figured it was worth a try, but I am skeptical.” My typical answer is, “well, the good thing about Chiropractic is its not a religion so it doesn’t matter if you believe in it or not, it either will help or it won’t.”
Read MoreI competed in Men’s Novice Bodybuilding, Men’s Open Bodybuilding, Men’s Novice Classic Physique, and Men’s Open Classic Physique. Bodybuilding is what you think it is: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Pumping Iron, tiny posing trunks, etc. Goals here are muscle size, symmetry, proportions, and low body fat AKA cut, leanness, tone, graininess, etc. You present your body in front of a panel of judges who judge you based on these things. In every division (here we are discussing bodybuilding and classic physique) there are “mandatory” poses that everyone does together so that you can compare physiques. Before we go any further let let’s go through the schedule of events.
Read MoreAs a Chiropractor, I have an active job, add to that a dad and husband that prides himself on staying active and fit, you need clothes that can bend and stretch to your daily demands.
Read MoreAs a husband, father, son, and physician, I am used to being the rock. I am used to being the one that has an answer for everything. When something happens, I have that “normal face”, and remains calm to work through the situation. The most humbling experience I’ve had lately is to suddenly have to use this calm reasoning on my own situation, and question everything I thought I had already figured out about injury.
Read MoreThe newest supplement, recovery aid, performance enhancer in the strength and conditioning world is…
Read MoreI’ve always lead an active lifestyle. In high school I played basketball and softball, dabbled in track and cross country. That lead to hitting the weight room at Ball State University, but that was mostly to check out the guys and do ridiculous amounts of cardio.
Read MoreOnce you have a game plan for your macros, how do you prep your food? What you will find is that you don’t need to spend all day Sunday prepping food with a few easy guidelines.
Read MoreBy now most people have heard of “the macro diet” or “if it fits my macros”. Even if you haven’t, fear not, I am here to explain the ins and outs of this maintainable way of living (notice how I didn’t say “diet”).
Read MoreindyMUSCLEmethod is a training program that we have created that is a multi-part system. The first part is just the training portion in the gym. This can be individualized for different goals. This initial phase is a 12-week program, where you establish nervous system adaptation, and begin some hypertrophy and strength gains.
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