3 Tips to Health in Quarantine

This is certainly one of the most strange times in recent history. We find ourselves spending more hours at home and less hours staying active in the gym and outdoors. It can seem difficult to stay healthy and fit during these times but here are three easy tips on how you can stay healthy while at home. 

Deflame that Diet


Firstly, what we put into our bodies for fuel can make a huge difference in our energy throughout the day and in keeping our bodies healthy. Stress during this pandemic induces the production of glucocorticoids which increases the motivation for food, promoting food intake and eventual obesity (3). This is part of the reason we crave sweets during times of distress. So a heavy inflammatory diet which promotes obesity should be avoided. The best way to stay healthy and decrease inflammation is to limit the amount of sugar, starches, and oils. When in doubt, several helpful diet links exist on the deflammatory diet including https://paleoleap.com/paleo-diet-recipes/

Get That Sleep 

In addition to eating healthy, sleep can have a huge impact on digestion and nutrients. The amount of sleep directly relates to the maintenance of body mass during times of decreased energy intake. Lack of sleep less than 6 hours can detrimentally affect dietary efforts to create weight loss and decrease inflammation (4). In addition, poor sleep quality is associated with greater hunger and higher disinhibition eating (1). 

Start Moving

Even though we’re not in the gym right now we still need to find ways to move and challenge ourselves. Research shows that a movement focused program can reduce perceived stress, decreasing inflammation in our system, and increase sustained attention to still be able to perform our jobs (5). Regular exercise can help moderate our immune system as well. Just single bouts of moderate intensity exercise 3 - 4 days / week of at least 45 minutes enhances immune competency (2). If you have any issues with movement or questions regarding a work out program for you, we have Telehealth appointments available and in-person appointments if you have any aches or pains. 

Stay healthy and if you have any questions, the Indy Muscle and Joint Clinic family is here for you!

Alec Domjan, D.C.

Works Cited

Blumfield ML, et al. Dietary disinhibition mediates the relationship between poor sleep quality and body weight. Appetitie. 1 Jan. 2018. 120: 602-08

Campbell JP. Debunking the Myth of Exercise-Induce Immune Suppression: Redefining the Impact of Exercise on Immunological Health Across the Lifespan. Front Immunol. 16 April. 2018. 9: 648

Dallman MF. Stress-induce obesity and the emotional nervous system. Trends Endocrinol Metab. March 2010. 21(3): 159-65

Schmalzl L, et. al. The effect of movement-focused and breath-focused yoga practice on stress parameters and sustained attention: A randomized controlled pilot study. Conscious Cogn. Oct. 2018. 65: 109-25. 

Nedelcheva AV, MD et. al. Insufficient sleep undermines dietary efforts to reduce adiposity. Ann Intern Med. 5 October. 2010. 153(7):435-41

Alec Domjan, DC